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August 1, 2012
7:00 PM
1196 Main Street
Memorial Hall Town Hall

Members Present:        
Anthony Costello, Michael Scott, Luke Boucher,
Kenneth Strom, Michael Krikonis, Robert, Lowell

Members Absent: 
Matthew Kennedy

Staff Present:          
Pamela Harding, Conservation Agent

Howard Carlson, George Kiritsy, Valerie James, Doug Andrysick, Brien Andrysick, Jamie Rheault, Walter Schumacher, Rita Schumacher, David Getman, Marilyn Foley, Julie Venincasa Steven Venincasa, Larry Popple, Lois Carlson, Scott Morrison

Acting Chair, Robert Lowell opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.

A RDA for 91 Bullard Street was taken out of Agenda order.

Request for Determination of Applicability - 91 Bullard Street, the Applicant has filed a Request for Determination of Applicability for the installation of an above ground swimming pool 27’ from the edge of a bordering vegetated wetland.  Jamie Rheault from Whiteman and Bingham Associates was present.  The proposed location of the pool is in existing lawn and no clearing is required.  The applicant will be removing the topsoil and laying sand as a base for the pool.   Robert Lowell to prevent direct discharge of chlorinated waters into the BVW.  The Applicant was willing to create a rip rapped dewatering pit and remove the excavated soils from site.  Mike Scott made a motion to close the public hearing, Kenneth Strom seconded the motion, all were in favor 6-0.

NOTICE OF INTENT – Lots 5-6 Bullard Estates Subdivision Casa Builders – Kenneth Strom recused himself from the hearing.  The Commission reviewed the drainage issues related to the detention pond on Lot 6.  Mr. Harold Carlson, 420 Bullard Street and direct abutter to the Bullard Estates subdivision submitted a letter from Forester, Roger Plourde stating the detention basin had resulted in the creation of a new wetland system, Mr. Plourde suggested the hydrology be change and the area be treated to prevent invasive species.    

Steven Venincasa, Applicant suggested installing a stone lined swale from the outflow of the detention pond to direct water into the original wetland system.  The Commission requested the Applicant have his engineer look at the construction of the detention basin, versus the design, and determine why it was not operating properly.   

The Commission noted new flags were located on Lot 5, as requested at the June meeting.  Because Lot 5 does not drain toward the Carlson/DCR property in question Michael Scott made a motion to close the hearing, Michael Krikonis seconded the motion all were in favor, 5-0.  

The public hearing for Lot 6 was continued to the September 5, 2012 meeting to obtain input from the applicant’s engineer regarding the operation of the detention basin.  

Kenneth Strom returned to the meeting.

NOTICE OF INTENT 75-79 Reservoir Street, Val’s Restaurant Valerie James – George Kiritsy, Attorney, presented the project to the Commission.  The Applicant is proposing to construct a 3,800 square foot addition and conduct parking lot improvements.  This was the first public hearing before the Commission, The meeting was continued from June 28, at the applicants request.  The site was inspected by Kenneth Strom and Michael Scott, they concurred with the wetlands.  The island perimeters had no berm and the roof drains discharge to the detention basin.  

Brien Andrysick reviewed minor revisions that were not incorporated on the plans.  The Applicant is adding a single tree rain guard by the catch basin near the site entrance for stormwater treatment to obtain 80% TSS removal prior to discharging into the Town’s drainage system.  There will be impermeable geo-textile fabric laid between the infiltrator and the steep side slopes.  

Larry Pappel, 139 Twinbrook Drive spoke in support of the addition.  

Michael Krikonis made a motion to close the public hearing, Luke Boucher seconded the motion, all were in favor.

Michael Krikonis made a motion to issue a standard Order of Conditions with a special condition the Applicant address all items in a letter dated  July 26, 2012 from DPW Director, John Woodsmall to his satisfaction

NOTICE OF INTENT – Cutler Road – Morrison – Scott Morrison presented the plan.  The Applicant is proposing to construct a single family home and septic system within the riverfront area of a perennial stream.  There was a gravel drive on site and soil testing had been conducted.  The lot was created prior to the adoption of the Rivers Protection Act.  All resource areas were located off site.   The Commission requested grade changes to the driveway to prevent additional runoff from entering Cutler Road.  Marilyn Foley stated that Cutler Road was privately plowed and maintained.  Kenneth Strom made a motion to close the public hearing and issue a standard Order of Conditions, Anthony Costello seconded the motion, all were in favor.  

Michael Scott suggested incorporating Operation and Maintenance Plans into the Order of Conditions for future projects.

Kenneth Strom made a motion to approve the June 6, 2012 meeting minutes, Luke Boucher seconded the motion, all were in favor.  

Kenneth Strom made a motion to adjourn, Mike Scott seconded the motion, the motion passed 4-0, all in favor.  The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

The next meeting is scheduled for September 5, 2012